So what? who cares? why you? matches the way we think about commercialization and entrepreneurship. Using it, we are able to engage innovators in different types of conversations about the value of their ideas – and prepare them to describe that value to investors and...
We are fortunate to have the So What? Who Cares? Why You? curriculum to help us better educate and prepare our principle investigators for early discussions on the business aspects of their IP. This platform is incredibly effective with engineers, doctors and...
WKI’s online tools provide us with a sustainable and scalable system to reach across Europe and support innovators submitting proposals to us for co-funding consideration. The system guides our clients to develop quality proposals and provides a platform for our staff...
The So what? who cares? why you? methodology is the defining moment for our organization’s ideation process. It fits seamlessly into our process and creates a positive and engaging experience for our health care innovators.” — Pete Turner Network VP, Innovation...
Since 2012, our incubator has completely relied on the WKI program as our ‘new client funnel’ for all prospective clients. This program does a great job of answering the big questions any aspiring entrepreneur needs to answer. In addition, it helps our...