WKI – wendykennedy.com Inc. announced today the latest release of its digital approach to design thinking, branded “WKI Online”. WKI’s design thinking methodology was launched in 2006 and has guided innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and others to explore the full business potential of their ideas.

The WKI methodology has helped innovators put their ideas on the payload of a spacecraft, launch new drug discoveries, and help startups turn their ideas into winning businesses. Today, it is officially released in a refreshing new online format with step by step design tool tutorials, video tips, illustrative examples, pitch template libraries and much more.

WKI Online helps business builders at all stages imagine, create and position ideas for success as grant proposals, startup pitches, funding proposals and more. This self-paced style of WKI Online gives users the freedom to explore the best path forward for their ideas and to let this thinking evolve through the ideation tools.

Wendy Kennedy, founder of WKI says, “we are extremely excited about what this means for our current and future customers — WKI Online will allow them to expand their reach across communities and geographies to support innovators and business builders at all stages”.

For more information or to request a demo, contact WKI at: wendy@wendykennedy.com