User License Agreement "*" indicates required fields Background A. Inc (“WKI”) is the author and creator of the So what? who cares? why you?® system and its associated design methodology, books, coaching aids, online systems, and other related materials (the “WKI System”). B. As a certified user of the WKI system I agree to comply with the following: Acknowledgement and Agreement: In consideration and as a condition of WKI making the WKI System available to me, I hereby acknowledge and agree with WKI that: The WKI System is the valuable proprietary information of WKI, and all intellectual property rights in and to the WKI System is the property of WKI. I will not now or in the future deny or contest WKI’s ownership of or any intellectual property rights in the WKI System. I will use the WKI System only to facilitate ideation and coaching programs provided to end-users, including but not limited to researchers, entrepreneurs, students, faculty, and business owners. I will not sub-license the WKI System to be delivered by third party organizations of any kind. I will deliver the WKI system as indicated in the certification training, and I will not copy, modify, translate, or create derivative works of any part of the WKI System. I will not create or post online electronic copies of any part of the WKI System without prior approval of WKI. I will use the WKI System only in the form in which it is provided and will not remove any brand identifiers, proprietary or intellectual property notices from the WKI System. Any materials created by me for marketing etc. that use any part of the WKI System will include the WKI brand identifiers and copyright notices. I will only use the WKI System when holding an active WKI license and should this cease, I will stop using all WKI System references and materials provided or created by me. Acknowledgement:* I understand and agree to these terms. Your Name:*Your Email:* Your Signature:*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.