Page 14 - So-What-Who-Cares-Why-You
P. 14
Before You Begin
Before you begin working through So what?
who cares? why you?, keep these points in mind:
1This isn’t a science and technology 3This is a toolkit, not a textbook.
exercise. Very little time in this process The focus of this book is to help you
is devoted to the science and technology apply the So what? who cares? why you?
behind your idea. This is intentional, but the methodology and tools to your own ideas. To
motive is not to minimize the validity of your accomplish this, this book devotes the majority
idea. Rather, this toolkit’s focus is to help you of each chapter to discussing and showing
develop the business value proposition for your you how to use the tools in the methodology.
idea. You will need to show potential supporters You will find practical examples and words of
why your idea is a great opportunity. They will wisdom throughout, all with the intention of
ask the questions found inside the So what? helping you gain support for your idea.
who cares? why you? methodology. Only
after you have articulated the answers will 4Give yourself time to think.
the conversations expand to include the due Don’t rush this process. Early-
diligence behind your idea. stage ideas need time to breathe, and
so does your own thinking about discovering
2You are seeking support for your their value. The So what? who cares? why
idea. Throughout this toolkit, you will you? methodology will cause you to pause
see reference to the word “supporter”. and ponder. It will challenge your assumptions
A supporter is any person or organization and have you consider new paths. So, take
that you are seeking support from in order to the time to explore the possibilities and
pursue the idea further. Support can come in contemplate the options.
the form of money, time, resources (facilities,
equipment, talent), and (not to be undervalued) Now… it’s time to
moral support – whatever is needed to advance roll up your sleeves
your idea. Supporters may be a boss, financial and get started!
investor, bank manager, technology transfer
officer, business partner, family, friend, or
spouse. Regardless of the type of support
you are seeking, a well-developed business
value proposition will be the starting point for
productive conversations with these people.
XII Before You Begin