WKI Certify
WKI Certify is a training and certification program for organizations who advise, coach, or manage innovators and entrepreneurs. It is delivered in a train the trainer format to prepare you to offer the WKI design methodology and ideation program to guide innovators to design their ideas into business propositions.
WKI Certify adds a new visual toolset and program to your coaching and advising capabilities – one that will deliver results and that your innovator clients will love. Whether it’s grant funding, investor readiness, or pitching a value proposition, our program will prepare your innovators to master the business fundamentals for success.
The program begins with in-depth training in the WKI methodology. You will “roll up your sleeves” and engage with the tools and learn the “WKI Approach” to working alongside innovators as they ideate and design the business value proposition for their ideas.
You’ll learn how to lead thought provoking conversations to guide innovators to identify blind spots, gaps, and new growth avenues for their ideas as businesses.
Step-by-step guidance, expert training and coaching awaits you, along with a comprehensive suite of certification resources and program materials – everything you need to ensure your success as a WKI Certified Professional.
WKI Certify training sessions are hosted online, three mornings over consecutive days, 09:00 – 13:00 EST.
The scheduled training dates are here.
Certification is hosted by Wendy Kennedy in live, online training via Zoom.
What can you expect at our training?
You can expect lots of drawing, discussion and discovery working at the whiteboards. It’s designed to be hands-on and experiential, with you at the center of the experience. You’ll work with Wendy Kennedy, the founder of WKI, to understand each framework in the WKI methodology. You’ll walk away with deep understanding of how to use WKI’s ideation program with your innovators. Even better, you’ll join a community of entrepreneurial coaches willing to help you launch your own high impact ideation programs.
What’s included?
12 hours of training, 4 hours, for three consecutive days. You will receive a full set of resource materials and coaching aids to advise and guide innovators. An online resource library exclusively for WKI Coaches provides value added templates and resources.
Join us for inspiring and energizing entrepreneurial training.
We believe the ideal setting for entrepreneurial thinking and doing is in small and intimate group settings, where people can engage in conversations and collaboratively learning. You’ll enjoy best practice entrepreneurial training in WKI’s entrepreneurial ideation program.
Looking for your own in-house training? Reach out to us here.
Read testimonials from WKI Certified Coaches
Wendy, I just wanted to thank you for the excellent WKI training in Indianapolis! It has provided me with a solid foundation to implement within my organization. The tools are rich and very practical for insight generation and determining next steps within a fast paced business setting. In fact, I believe the “gold” in the WKI program for me was the tools themselves, they holistically funnel creative ideas into real world application. It’s all about making real impact as an innovation professional.”